p o r t f o l i o
a c a d e m i c
Boston College Police Station
Canton High School and Middle School
Country Day School
McCallie School Dormtory
Philips Exeter Academy Dining Hall/ Dormitory Expansion
a v i a t i o n
Nantucket Memorial Airport Terminal
Robins Air force Base
Westfield Barnes Airport Terminal
a t h l e t i c
Boston College Fieldhouse
Boston College Sports Medicine and Ice Hockey Locker Renovation
Harvard University Ice Hockey Stadium Renovation
Pomfret School, Athetic Facillity & Student Center
St. Sebastians School Athletic Facility
l a b & o f f i c e
University of Massachusetts Medical School Albert Sherman Building
Genzyme 68 New York Avenue, Biologics Support Center
Harvard Medical School Sorger Lab
VMWare Office
p u b l i c
Bourne Fire Station
Fitchburg Riverfront Park Phase II, Performance Pavilion and Bridge
National Park Service Education and Public Program Center
Wellesley Municipal Light Plant New Office and Garage Study
c o m p e t i t i o n
Perth Amboy High School Competition
Taegu Fashion Convention Center Competition
r e n d e r i n g